
Adham Mohamed, Ahmad Mostafa, Mohamed Mahmoud, Mohamed Saed

Supervised By: Professor Alaa Hamdy, Eng. Hager Sobeah, Eng. Mahmoud ElSahhar

Publishing Date

30th of March 2021


Concrete pillars are designed to withstand different environmental conditions like earthquakes and to carry tons of loads. Buildings have multiple reinforced concrete columns to carry them and protect them. but, if one of them got damaged, the whole building would lose its integrity causing the building to fall apart costing lives and wasting huge amounts of money. The main idea of the project is identifying defects in concrete by scanning the pillars of the building where the defects like (voids or fractures) might exist or not, to do so we would need to scan the inside of the concrete to acquire these defects that are why engineers and users use the GPR (Ground penetration radar) in the collecting of the images because these defects are impeded within the concrete, after the acquiring phase then the user or the engineer will use his prediction to determine the defect which has a high human error factor because it`s only based over the experience of the user which higher the risk factor even more. Image processing and deep learning techniques will be used to detect and classify those defects according to their types using the VGG-16 algorithm.

1.1 Purpose

This documentation’s aim is to present and explain the architecture and system design of our system detecting concrete defects. Detecting concrete defects system is a web application for detecting the defects at the concrete of a building and the type of the defect. This documentation also highlights the system components and how the system will interact with the user, it will also identify the system functional requirements and their impact on the system architecture and the design patterns.

1.2 Scope

This Software Design Description (SDD) describes the detailed structure of the components of Detecting building Defects system and the precise details of the required implementation to satisfy the requirements as specified in the Software Requirements specifications (SRS).since this document also defines the implementation details of the behaviour given the requirements within it. This document will depend on the knowledge of the general system architecture as it is recommended before commencing this document.

1.3 Overview

This SDD document includes 7 main sections. The first section is an introduction to our system including our scope and purpose. The second section is the system overview a schematic of our system’s workflow. The third section includes the Design Viewpoint of the system, activity diagram, sequence diagram, state diagram and class diagram. The fourth section illustrates the database design in details. The Fifth section illustrates the human interface design and describes how the user will interact with our system. The Sixth section is the requirement matrix that shows which components satisfy each of the functional requirements. The rest of the sections are appendices and references.

1.4 Intended audience

In contrast to the Software Requirements Specification most of this Software Design Description is written for knowledgeable software professionals and designers which is the engineer and the inspector. These audiences will use this documentation as a guideline in case a bug arose or there was a need for any modification on the system.