
Youssef Mohamed Ali

Omar Ahmed Diaa El-Din

Ahmed Raouf Aly

Andrew Gamal Fahmy

Supervised by: Dr. Diaa Salama &

Eng. Mahmoud Heidar

Publishing Date

Febraury 2022


Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are a popular approach for people to connect with computers intelligently using only their minds. The project leads to a new approach for assisting people with disabilities in using computers. The basic goal is to use brain signals to control mouse cursor movement. The electroencephalogram (EEG) measures and records the pattern of brain waves. Electroencephalography is a new technology that detects brain waves that assist control the mouse cursor. The goal of this research is to use machine learning techniques to analyze brain signals and use them for Brain-Computer Interfacing.

1.1 Purpose of this document

This document is intended to delineate the document details. Furthermore, the documentation is used to guide the developers, and to be a product approval record for the needed functions. This document will explain the software implementation. The software implementation covers the algorithms and methods used. In today’s high-tech environment, no human being should be unable to use technology, as this would be a defeat for technology itself. As a result, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field of research focusing on the design of computer technology and, in particular, the interaction between humans (users) and computers. BCI provides a connecting interface between a wired brain and an external device. The current project’s core idea is to use a wireless Electroencephalography (EEG) headset as a remote control for a computer’s mouse cursor. EEG signals are used as a communication channel between brains and computers in the proposed system.

1.2 Scope of this document

The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a technology that uses neural activity in the brain to communicate with others or control machines, artificial limbs, or robots without requiring direct physical motions using the brain signals (EEG) . Our aim of this project work is to control all the movements of mouse cursor using a brain. that will help the people with different disabilities that aren’t able to use mouse. As a future work, We also want to control the keyboard using the EEG headset and use the headset as a remote control for the computer.

1.3 System Overview

The project’s main idea is to use a wireless Electroencephalography (EEG) headset as a remote control for a computer’s mouse cursor. EEG signals are used as a communication channel between brains and computers in the proposed system.

1-Data aquistion: EEG signals will be collected by the headset and then will be converted as a .CSV file.

2-Preprocessing: Data outputs are standarized by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance

3- Feature Selection: The dominant features will be selected such as high alpha, low alpha and gamma frequencies to be trained in the model

4- Build models with different machine learning and deep learning classifiers

5-Test the model and classify the action if the hardware component (Mouse or Keyboard)

1.4 System Scope

The approaches we offer attempt to control the mouse cursor using the EEG headset:

1- Gather an EEG dataset with the EEG headset and begin data preparation to remove any inconsistent or duplicate data

2- Extract characteristics that will help us to control the mouse cursor

3- Improve performance by testing various machine learning and deep learning methodologies.