1. Introduction

The following is a sample outline for a project proposal. Note that all questions for a section may not apply to your proposal, and should be used as a general guide only.

1.1 Background

Please start from very big domain for your problem then focus on some area inside this domain that match  your interest.

1.2 Motivation
1.2.1 Academic

This should be 1 to 3 paragraphs that discuss Academic needs for your project (Why is this problem interesting). You must include references. For this section consider answering the following questions:

1. What is the history of the problem?

2. Why is this problem interesting?

3. When and why does the problem occur?

4. Is the problem already solved?

5. What is the most current/successful solutions available now?

6. Reference and very briefly explain the most important related solutions. What are possible improvements to current solutions?

1.2.2 Business

Discuss business Needs for your project.

1.3 Problem Statement

Please put a focus on 1-2 challenges that this project aims to solve and state them very clear as your formal problem statement.

2 Project Description

List initial project requirements. A good requirement states something that is necessary, verifiable, and attainable. Even if it is verifiable and attainable if it is not necessary, it is not a good requirement [1]. Show down with a figure the proposed system.

2.1 Objectives

Write as a minimum three statements that describe the “what” of your project. The concrete and measurable “what”. Aim to use the specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time-related (SMART) method for writing effective Objectives. Examples of good Objectives:

• We will reduce the number of clicks it takes for a user to reach the highest traffic page that the majority of our website users regularly visit (the member directory) from any point on the site to 2 clicks or less by the end of our design phase on June 1st.

• We will write the SRS document to meet with IEEE 830-1998 standard, which will be delivered by December 2020.

2.2 Scope

The scope of your project.

2.3 Project Overview

Some extra details for your system implementations.

2.4 Stakeholder
2.4.1 Internal

State who is the team leader. list all team members with their responsibilities


State who is the team leader. list all team members with their responsibilities

3 Similar System

3.1 Academic

List down at least 10 papers from ACM and IEEE for similar work experience in the domain of your problem. You can add 5 papers or more from other sources (Springer, Elsevier, ..etc) Be sure that each paper you list include the following points: 

1. The main problem statement of the work.

2. How the researchers contributed to solve the problem

3. The dataset used by the researchers

4. What main results the researchers reach.

5. Criticize the paper

6. Figure/s of the work (if available)

3.2 Business Applications

Describe available business applications the the market with figures. (Optional)

4 What is new in the Proposed Project?

5 Proof of concept

Demonstrate the 10% implemented in your project so far.

6 Project Management and Deliverables

6.1 Deliverables

• What will the project produce? (program, reports, etc.)

• Describe in brief detail the features of each of the deliverables.

• Separate deliverables into milestones (based on MIU graduation project calendar)

6.2 Tasks and Time Plan

Use some software for primitive plan of your project.

6.3 Budget and Resource Costs

7 Supportive Documents

Add sections covering one or more of the following:

• Dataset.

• Contact documents

• users/survey

• Contacting authors.


[1] Ivy Hooks. “Writing good requirements”. In: INCOSE International Symposium. Vol. 4. 1. Wiley Online Library. 1994, pp. 1247–1253.

Note that you should use 10 Reference Minimum (80% Academic)