Team Members

Ahmed Elsayed

Team Leader

Mostafa Mohamed

Team Member

Abdelrahman Osama

Team Member

Omar Mohamed Shawky

Team Member


Dr. Nissreen El-Saber

Assistant Professor

Eng. Youssef Talaat

Teaching Assistant


“Our project, QualiCode, is all about making coding a smoother, more enjoyable experience. Imagine a tool that not only helps you write better code but also turns it into a bit of a game and save the time wasted in the manual code reviewing. We want to create a system where developers get instant feedback on their code, tips on how to improve, and be familiar with best practices and even earn points for doing well. It’s like a friendly coach and a game rolled into one. With features like leaderboards and achievement badges, we’re not just aiming for better code but also a fun and collaborative coding environment. QualiCode is designed for everyone, from professional developers to Students just starting out in software engineering.”

System Objectives

“The main goals of the automated code review and quality tool are:

• Automated feedback: to provide developers with detailed feedback on code style, and code complexity during the development process.

• Engagement: Integrated elements of gamification approach to motivate developers, encouraging a proactive approach to improving code quality.

• Efficiency and scalability: Identify areas to improve code efficiency and scalability using dynamic complexity analysis.”

System Scope

“The Automated Code Review and Quality Assurance Tool aims on the software houses company to help them in saving time, money and effort in the sprint in the reviewing phase. Therefore, in order to achieve that, the system will contain the following :

• Style Feedback: Evaluate and provide feedback on coding style, ensuring compatibility to coding standards and best practices.

• Complexity measurement: Dynamically analyze and measure the runtime complexity of code, which initiates the development of efficient and scalable code.

• Gamification elements: Integrated gamification elements such as scores, leaderboard ,badges and challenges to improve user engagement and create a competitive yet collaborative environment.”

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






Competition Title

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