Team Members

Samuel Wasfy

Team Leader

Mohamed Hany

Team Member

Youssef Rafik

Team Member

Beshoy Samir

Team Member


Dr. Osama El-Ghonimy


Eng. Donia Mohamed

Teaching Assistant


E-Learning has been upgrading its own methods to overcome the learning base. This document represents the architecture of the adaptive learning system. Adaptive Learning is a method for utilizing data-driven instruction to adapt and personalize learning experiences according to the unique requirements of individual students. Reinforcement Learning is a type of adaptive learning used to specify type of learning for each student. Q-Learning is an algorithm under the reinforcement learning used in this project to analyse, and specify to the student which method of learning they best coop with.

System Objectives

• Personalized Learning Paths: The system should analyze students’ past performance and learning patterns to create personalized learning paths tailored to their individual needs and learning pace.

• Continuous Adaptation: Utilize Q-learning algorithm to dynamically adjust learning content and difficulty levels based on students’ progress, ensuring they are consistently challenged at an appropriate level.

• Real-time Feedback: Provide real-time feedback to students on their performance, strengths, and areas needing improvement, helping them to identify their progress and areas of focus.

• Optimized Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocate learning resources by recommending

specific learning materials, activities, and assessments to students based on their proficiency and learning goals.

• Engagement Enhancement: Enhance student engagement by incorporating interactive elements and multimedia content features to make the learning experience more enjoyable and motivating.

• Performance Tracking: Monitor and track students’ performance metrics, such as grades, completion rates, and time spent on tasks, to evaluate the effectiveness of the adaptive learning system and identify areas for improvement.

• Accessibility and Usability: Ensure the system is user-friendly and accessible to students with diverse learning needs, including support for multiple devices and assistive technologies.

• Privacy and Security: Implement robust privacy and security measures to protect students’ personal data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

• Integration with Moodle: Seamlessly integrate with the Moodle learning management system to leverage existing course materials, user accounts, and administrative functionalities.

• Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate and refine the adaptive learning system through data analysis, user feedback, and pedagogical research to enhance its effectiveness and usability over time

System Scope

• Simple system for students and teachers to use.

• The system shall adapt on each student’s way of learning.

• The system shall have a simple UI.

• The system shall be compatible with different hand-held devices.

• The system shall have CRUD option for both Instructor and Manager

• The system shall be secured for each end of users.

• The system shall have an API used for teachers to add content through.

• The system should take user feedback and work on it.

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






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