Team Members

Mayar Mohamed Abdallah

Team Leader

Habiba Shawkat Aboeleila

Team Member

Sarah Mustafa Mohamed

Team Member

Shahd Elsayed Mohamed 

Team Member


Dr. Fatma Helmy

Associate Professor

Eng. Rawan Ehab

Teaching Assistant

Eng. Ahmed Sameh

Teaching Assistant


In today’s ever-changing job market, individuals, including students, often face challenges in identifying and pursuing a job path aligned with their interests and skills. The objective of this project is to develop a job coach recommender system designed to guide each person on their journey. Our AI Job Coach recommender system will initiate text-based conversations with users through a mobile application. Users will share their skills and interests with the bot, and the system will intelligently analyze and extract pertinent details from the user’s responses. It will then provide a tailored strategy to steer individuals toward fulfilling and enjoyable job options by leveraging natural language processing, user-provided data, and machine learning.

System Objectives

Our main objective is to develop a user-friendly mobile application that would help individuals know what the best career path for them is. Our career coach AI would perfectly analyze the user’s skills and provide a personalized career choice that would be suitable for the user saving them money considering that a normal career coaching session costs quite a lot as well as saving time as the mobile application would be easy to access simplifying the process of making career decisions on the go.

System Scope

*Integration of different datasets including a scrapped dataset from Wuzzuf (merging between 7 different datasets)

* Extracting skills out of user’s raw input.

* Transforming skills into vectors

* Using vectorized extracted skills to match a job using DL/ML models.

* Provide available job offers for the recommended job.

* Get feedback from the user to enhance the matching experience.

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






Competition Title

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