Team Members

Ahmed Ehab Elsayed

Team Leader

Ali Mahmoud Ismail

Team Member

Mohammed Mamdouh

Team Member

Mahmoud Khaled Amer

Team Member


Dr. Nisreen Saber

Assistant Professor

Eng. Habiba ElGohary

Teaching Assistant


MetaMorph addresses challenges in the software development life cycle, particularly in the progression from design to implementation. During this phase, things can get a bit tricky, and communication might not be as smooth, causing the project to drift away from its original vision. To tackle these challenges, MetaMorph is built to make sure the journey from initial design ideas to a fully functional software is smooth and on point. Given the rapid pace of the software industry, accomplishing tasks swiftly is essential, and setbacks can be particularly challenging.That’s where MetaMorph steps in as a fitting solution, assuring a smooth transition from design to development, lowering risks, boosting productivity, and keeping up with the industry’s need for precision and speed. The system goes the extra mile to accurately reflect design elements, provide instant feedback, and maintain a well organized project structure.”

System Objectives

MetaMorph, as envisioned by its users, is expected to deliver a seamless transition from design to code by meeting a set of essential requirements. First and foremost, the generated code must faithfully mirror the design elements, ensuring accuracy and fidelity throughout the conversion process. Users expect that the code generated complies firmly with industry best practices and standards, giving them confidence in the stability of the output that is produced. Real-time feedback is essential throughout the design-to-code procedure because it allows for early identification of possible problems. Users also prefer a well-organized file and folder structure that makes things clear and simple to navigate.Efficiency is critical, particularly for large and complex design projects where eager code generation is required.Importantly, users expect minimal delays, ensuring a responsive and timely design-to-code conversion experience. In order to satisfy the diverse needs of its user base, MetaMorph must, be scalable. This makes it easily adaptable to varying project sizes and levels of complexity.

System Scope

MetaMorph helps developers save time, effort, and cost, ensuring seamless integration, efficient project setup, and enhanced user experience. Therefore, to achieve this, the system will contain the following:

• The system will have the ability to generate back-end code through the interpretation of UML class diagram.

• The system seamlessly converts the UI frames into either HTML, CSS code.

• It will offer front-end and back-end code integration, enabling the construction of real-time applications by smoothly integrating dynamic data sources into the front-end code.

• Producing a predefined structure of the project which improves project setup and guarantees an efficient, structured development environment.

• It contains integrated code inspection tool that helps in enhancing the quality of the code, also provides export option that make it easy to integrate into other development environments”

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






Competition Title

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