Team Members

Marina Maurice

Team Leader

Seif Hisham

Team Member

Ahmed Amr Zekry

Team Member

Kirolos Emad Ayd

Team Member


Dr. Salwa Osama 

Associate Professor

Eng. Donia Mohamed

Teaching Assistant


The main idea of this project is to study the contactless control over a PC connected to any projector using only hand gestures. Moreover, reducing the cost associated with smart boards and many other solutions like touch projectors, which are still expensive compared to our software that enables anyone with his smartphone’s camera, a projector, and a simple setup to have an interactive surface anywhere controlled remotely with just hand gestures, in addition to face recognition feature – which uses YOLO algorithm – that enables switching users’ accounts accompanied with their previously saved gesture customization if there was any, making it the best affordable solution in the market that can be used for teaching and presentation purposes.

System Objectives

Competitive price: Our optimal goal is the price. After making a competitive analysis we figured out that our system compared to others in the market costs way less than all enabling the users to run the system with their available hardware (PC-Camera-projector) with no hardware limitations at all, and more interactive features that are not available in any traditional touch projector. Real-time Collaboration: Enable real-time collaboration by supporting interactions on the projected surface, fostering collaborative environments for business and educational purposes. Low-Latency: The system must analyze gestures and reflect the corresponding action on the projected interface with very low latency.

System Scope

Our system scope will include:

• Gesture Recognition.

• Face Recognition.

• Hand Tracking.

• Single-Hand Interaction.

• Customizing the actions for specific gestures.

And exclude:

• Multiple-Hand Interaction.

• Outside Frame Handling.

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






Competition Title

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