
Ramez Nabil, Khaled Nader, Nour Eldeen, Ahmed Mahdy, Dr. Essam Eliwa, Eng. Shereen Essam

Publishing Date

31 March 2021


Immediate and formative feedback is crucial yet difficult to achieve with manual assignment marking. EvalSeer is a gamified LMS equipped with code auto-marking. It offers instant feedback, leaderboard, badges, and score-based tasks (Code, MCQs, and peer-review) in a competitive environment. EvalSeer shall present continuous challenges to keep students motivated while utilizing automated assessment to produce current visual insights on students’ progress. Students shall be awarded points depending on their performance in tasks and assignments and be able to spend them to gain an edge. The evaluation process covers various criteria that all aim to strengthen the student’s coding abilities, these criteria include coding style, used code features, the logical structure through dynamic test cases, and successful compilation. EvalSeer uses neural networks to detect potential syntax errors and suggests a fix along with an explanation of why this fix was suggested backed up with external links regarding the topic.

1.1 Purpose

This software design description (SDD) describes the architecture and system design of Evalseer web application in which the requirements are translated into software components, data and GUI. The system is intended to serve novice students and their professors in programming introductory courses. The paper follows IEEE Format and meets its standards and criteria.

1.2 Scope

This document describes EvalSeer’s system design and architecture and illustrates the main points and communication between systems components and tools used to achieve system requirements. Also, this documents shows the communication of the system with external stimuli and shows the design patterns used providing various diagrams and scenarios in which the system live in and communicate with. EvalSeer is identified as a gamified learning system targeting novice student and introductory programming courses.

1.3 Overview

The sections of the document go as follows Section 1.4 the intended audience of the system. Section 1.5 presents reference material and paper related to the system. Section 1.6 defines the terms and abbreviations used across the document. Section 2 provides system overview, scope, timeline and objectives. Section 3 shows the various technical and non technical viewpoints of the system. Section 4 illustrated the shape, format and description of data followed by the data sets used and the database design and description. Section 5 shows the graphical user interface of the system. Section 6 shows the requirements of the system. Finally Section 7 includes the github repo overview.

1.4 Intended audience

The System is intended to aid novice programming students with their programming skills buy receiving an immediate and informative feedback on their assignments, Also, saving the professors the time and effort of correcting each programming assignment for each student. The System is designed for Misr International University students, professors and teaching assistants of courses CSC104 and CSC105. The data shall be secured and the system is maintained and managed by an admin through a dashboard.