Team Members

Kirollos Emad

Team Leader

Omar Maged

Team Member

Mariam Khaled

Team Member

Adham Ahmed

Team Member


Dr. Sahar Abdelrahman


Eng. Mohamed Khaled

Teaching Assistant


The operational basis of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is made up of vehicular ad hoc networks, or VANETs, which allow cars to act as networked nodes on the open Internet. Nonetheless, IoV is still susceptible to security risks including impersonation and illegal access to private data.

This paper aims to strengthen the security architecture of IoV by analyzing and improving different algorithms, with a particular focus on elliptic curve algorithms.The goal is to strengthen IoV against new threats in this dynamic vehicle network, making sure that security breaches are prevented and that resilience is increased.

System Objectives

• Set up a Channel of Secure Communication.

• Ensure the Exchange of Trustworthy Messages.

•Enable smooth communication with the Key Generation Center (KGC) and establish an efficient feedback system.

• Respond to errors or transmission issues with the proper feedback.

• Use the Key Generation Center to create and distribute a partial private key.

• Fortify security by ensuring the authenticity of communication entities.

System Scope

To improve the security of communication in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), we are committed to developing a sophisticated cryptographic method that solves the key escrow issue and guarantees recipient anonymity, confidentiality, and unforgeability. Our method, which makes use of well-known elliptic curve techniques, is expected to perform better than current approaches in terms of compute and communication expenses.  We will use the OMNeT++ simulation program, which is well-known for modeling computer systems and communication networks, to assess the effectiveness and performance of our novel strategy.  The context diagram represents the envisioned system context, which captures the complex interactions in the IoV ecosystem.  This is a major step towards creating a new standard for safe communication in dynamic vehicular networks

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






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