Team Members

Akram Amr

Team Leader

Omar Hisham

Team Member

Marwan Magdy

Team Member

Omar Assal

Team Member


Dr. Nermin Naguib


Eng. Nada Shorim

Teaching Assistant


Nowdays Security and secure communication is a must in most of the applications.  Users’ privacy and security should be applied to any online application or chatting platforms. Cyberattacks often target different types of applications with sensitive user data.  To protect user privacy, we should develop solutions that use secure and robust security features.  ChatSafe aims to create a secure chatting system that will take advantage of modern Cryptography techniques to provide robust End-to-End encrypted communication.

System Objectives

The system objectives outline the goals and targets that ChatSafe aims to achieve. These objectives include:

• Provide end-to-end encryption for secure communication.

• Implement AES encryption for message security.

• Utilize LSB steganography for hiding messages within audio files.

• Ensure user registration and authentication processes are secure.

• Develop a user-friendly interface for seamless interaction.

• Enable stable and reliable message transmission and reception

System Scope

Our system is a secure chat application with audio steganography capabilities, offering users a unique communication experience. Users can register by uploading a cover audio file, serving as the carrier for encrypted text messages. Upon initiation of a chat, text messages undergo AES encryption, and the ciphertext is embedded into the cover audio file using steganography techniques. The system enables secure message exchanges, with receiver decrypting and retrieving the original text via our system. The system includes user registration, secure messaging, AES encryption, stenographic embedding, and cover audio file management. Additionally, a free trial option allows users to use our system several times, after which they are prompted to upgrade to the premium version for chatting without limitations.

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.


You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






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