Team Members

Youssef Tamer Said

Team Leader

Youssef Mohamed

Team Member

Mostafa Saleh Abdelsalam 

Team Member

Ahmed Hossam Attia

Team Member


Dr. Mohamed ElEmam

Associate Professor

Eng. Maha Sayed

Teaching Assistant


Web applications play a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of both services and data. However, as individuals increasingly rely on these different web applications to handle their variety of tasks, the security risks associated to these applications continue to grow consis- tently. Considering the fact that web applications are inherently connected to the internet, protecting and ensuring one’s private information is secure becomes a matter of utmost im- portance. Different kinds of cyberattacks pose a significant threat to both the integrity and confidentiality of any kind of information processed or stored. Our project is motivated by shortcomings observed in existing security tools. The lack of free open source scanners that detect RCE vulnerabilities. The existing scanners offer limited customization options, making them difficult to adapt to specific needs. Most of the free available web scanners are extremely limited and offer few features while keeping the important ones behind paywalls. Our project aims to create an enhanced version of web security scanners that’s easily accessible and free of charge.

System Objectives

• Develop an advanced web vulnerability scanner to effectively identify and address website vulnerabilities, ensuring heightened security for businesses and individuals in safeguarding sensitive information.

• Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface, simplifying the configuration and initiation of scans for seamless user experience.

•Utilizedatasetsfromreputablesources,includingKaggle,NIST,andNVD,alongsidecustom- created datasets, to enhance the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the web vulnerability scanner.

Release the web vulnerability scanner as an open-source project, fostering community col- laboration, usage, and development.

Implement automated scanning features that efficiently detect and identify a broad spectrum of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), port scanning, and remote code execution (RCE), contributing to a proactive defense strategy.

Establish and maintain a comprehensive database of vulnerabilities, covering a wide range of potential security threats. This foundation will enhance accurate threat identification and support ongoing improvements in system security.

Integrate a real-time reporting feature into the web vulnerability scanner, generating detailed reports promptly. These reports will highlight detected vulnerabilities, their severity lev- els, and provide actionable recommendations for users to address identified security issues effectively.

System Scope

The scope of the project focuses on the development and implementation of an advanced web se- curity tool. This tool is designed specifically to enhance the overall security of web applications. The project addresses common issues found in existing security scanners, with a specific focus on addressing the following challenges:

Port Scanning Feature:

• It is a fundamental cybersecurity practice that maps network structures, identifies potential vulnerabilities, and aids in intrusion detection.

• It enhances security by evaluating firewall configurations, troubleshooting network issues, and providing a comprehensive asset inventory, contributing to a proactive and robust net- work defense strategy.

RCE Scanning:

• It enhances cybersecurity by proactively identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, preventing unauthorized access and potential malicious activities.

• It improves incident response, ensures regulatory compliance, and contributes to continuous monitoring and improvement of system security.

Advanced Security Features:

• Integrate automated scanning features to be able to detect and identify vulnerabilities.

• Useadvancedcrawlingtechniquesthatprovidecomprehensivecoverageduringvulnerability assessments.

User-Friendly Interface:

• Create a user-friendly interface to accommodate a diverse user base.

• Ensure there’s accessibility for both security professionals and users with varying levels of expertise.

Real-time Reporting:

• Implement a real-time reporting feature that generates detailed reports without delay.

• Highlight all of the detected vulnerabilities and mention their severity levels then finally recommend actions for users to take.

Comprehensive Database:

• We aim to establish and maintain a database of vulnerabilities to serve as a foundation to help with accurate threat identification.

• It will be guaranteed that the database is expansive and will cover a wide range of potential security threats.

In summary, our project’s scope is multi-faceted. We are aiming to create a powerful, user- friendly, advanced, and adaptive web vulnerability scanner that effectively enhances overall web application security.

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






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