Team Members

Omar Mohamed Saeid

Team Leader

Donia Sameh Adel

Team Member

Habeba Mohamed Ebrahim

Team Member

Mohamed Ashraf

Team Member


Eng. Reham Kamal

Lecturer Assistant

Eng. Yasmine Kandil

Teaching Assistant


ResuFit is a web-based application designed to ease the hiring and recruitment process by integrating natural language processing (NLP) using the SpaCy Python library to parse CVs and by integrating the HR module from Odoo ERP software. Applicants submit their CVs for parsing and analysis. The system uses the Python library for parsing the CV and extracting key information such as skills and years of experience, which are then compared to the job requirements provided by the recruiter. The similarity between the applicant’s CV and the job vacancy is determined using cosine similarity and Jaccard similarity, resulting in a percentage rating that reflects the applicant’s suitability for the position. To ensure a comprehensive evaluation, applicants are presented with screening questions defined by an expert recruiter. The system uses ChatGPT to validate and score applicants’ responses by comparing them against model answers generated by the expert. By averaging CV ranking and screening question validation scores, the system generates a percentage-based result, providing a fair evaluation of each applicant.

System Objectives

• Reduce administrative overhead and time-to-hire by streamlining the hiring process by offering a platform for quick applicant CV submission, parsing, and review.

• Provide a complete assessment of every applicant by merging CV ranking and screening question validation.

• Verify applicant answers to screening questions with ChatGPT to ensure a consistent and fair assessment of all applicants.

• Provide a user-friendly interface that is simple to understand and use for both recruiters and applicants.

• Reduce manual efforts in the applicant assessment process so that recruiters may concentrate on strategic decision-making rather than routine tasks.

• Recruiters will be able to find applicants whose resumes closely match the job requirements by using the cosine and Jaccard similarity methods, which provide an objective CV ranking.

• Integrate this system with the HR module using the Odoo ERP system.

System Scope

• Allow applicants to know if they are qualified for a certain job or not.

• Provide a set of screening questions to the applicants.

• Give the provided CV a precise ranking.

• Display the final result to recruiters for decision-making purposes.

Documents and Presentations


You will find here the documents and presentation for our proposal.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SRS.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our SDD.




You will find here the documents and presentation for our Thesis






Competition Title

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