
Albert Louca , Omar Farouk, Youssef Mohamed , Michel Ashraf

Supervised by: Dr Eslam Amer, TA Ahmed Hazem

Publishing Date



Chatbots are usually a software application made to copy the human’s ability in a conversation using artificial intelligence. And to increase its understanding Our chatbot took a more complex approach than any other one as it gather information first from the user words combined with the sentiments from his/her voice and supported by the facial expression gathered from the speaker using Deep Learning and the sentiments from the text input entered by the user while chatting with the chatbot. The data collected will be processed to generate the most suitable response or answer depending on the situation all with a friendly way to provide a more human-like behavior. COVID-19 has hit the world pretty hard and especially the medical customer service area because of the sudden unforeseen spike in people wanting to use the hot-line associated with the medical hot lines. Our chatbot will provide a reliable source for COVID-19 Questions with being able to power on 24/7.

1.1 Purpose

This software design description (SDD) describes the architecture and system design of Smart Behavioural Chatbot. This document will explain in details the features of the smart behavioral chatbot system and provide a deeper inside the the design and architecture of each module, In addition this document will be able to assist the developers and the intended customers to have a full information about of each component. Also, this document will help the developers and the customer to have the full understanding about the interface and the functions of the project. The intended/potential customers will be aware of the accomplished requirements upon reading this document.

1.2 Scope

This software design description (SDD) describe smart behavioral chatbot system design and provides the main design viewpoints of the system to communicate to key design stakeholders. Smart behavioral Chatbot system focus on the user’s emotional state while using the system to be able to provide the suitable answer based on the user’s emotional state, this project target is to help people who use the regular medical help through regular phone lines to eliminate the overhead waiting time and the inaccurate answers in case of emergencies. This SDD is used to highlight the design architecture and the reason behind it in order to be clear of any misunderstanding over what was previously mentioned. The document will show how the is the software system structured to be able to satisfy the before mentioned requirements. The SDD is used to be the reference for code and system design architecture for both developers and interested customers.

1.3 Overview

This document consists of 6 sections. The first section is considered to be an introduction to our system so it includes scope, purpose,overview, intended audience, reference material and definitions & acronyms. The second section is the system overview providing insight on our system includes system scope, system objectives and system timeline. The third section is the design viewpoints of the system and it includes sequences diagrams, activity diagram and class diagram. The fourth section is the data design and it includes the database description, dataset description and database schema (ERD Diagram). The fifth section is the requirements Matrix which we cross reference from the srs document. The sixth section is the appendices and it includes the github screenshots.

1.4 Intended audience

The intended audience for this document will be the developers and the potential users/organizations interested in this project