Team Members:

  1. Ahmed El-Rawy
  2. Mareine Nassif
  3. Mariam Mohie
  4. Marwan Atef


  1. Dr. Ghada Khoriba
  2. Eng. Silvia Soliman
  3. Eng. Youssef Mobarak

Project Description:

Net-DPI is a server-side software that monitors internet usage as well as allows smart access to online applications and services according to the content of individually requested pages or elements. The products that are in the market to this day only have absolute block; they block entire applications according to their general, predefined categories despite the individual content inside. One of the reasons that makes our end product different from existing systems is that it uses Deep Packet Inspection for the extraction of critical data within the content at packet level, in addition to Standard Inspection for resource utilization, along with various methods and techniques for content analysis and classification. our product is beneficial for all environments in which those in charge need to control subordinates’ internet usage without depriving essential content that might be blocked by other systems due to the blocking of the entire application. These environments could be homes, small companies to large companies, and governments.

Project Video: 

Project Presentation: 

 NET-DPI Presentation

Project Paper: 

NET-DPI Journal Paper

Thesis Presentation:

Final Presentation

Thesis Document:



Youtube Link: Click here

User Study:

Youtube Link: Click here




Team CVs:

  1. Ahmed Ihab El Rawy  CV
  2. Marwan Atef  CV
  3. Mariam Mohie CV