Team members:

  • Randa Osama (CV)
  • Nour El-Huda (CV)
  • Amina Yasser (CV)
  • Salma Abd El-Fatah (CV)


Project Description:

The main idea of our system is to automate the greenhouse system and supervise the plant growth using machine learning with real time cameras, sensors and LED lights for assisting the plant to grow faster and increasing the production which will increase the economic growth. Also our system detects plant diseases using deep learning. The user can monitor/track the parameters inside the greenhouse and the plant growth using a Web based application.




  • Published a paper entitled “Greenhouse Plant Growth Supervision with the LED Lights using Machine Learning” in the 2020 9th International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2020)
  • Published a paper entitled “Detecting Plant Diseases in Greenhouse using Deep Learning” in the 2nd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES 2020)

User feedback:


  • Demo 1:

  • Demo 2:

  • Demo 3: